Sukanyeah Krishna had a few jitters, but after appearing for the Malayalam examination on the first day of the Class 10 equivalency examinations conducted by the Kerala State Literacy Mission Authority here on Thursday, she had managed to shake them off. “The examination went off well. I had downloaded previous question papers to get an idea of the pattern, but was still worried. The paper seemed easy as a number of questions pertained to what I had studied. Now, I am more confident of doing well in the remaining subjects.” Asma, who had appeared for the Class 10 examinations over two decades ago but could not clear them, was nervous too.
Asma and Sukanyeah were among the six transgenders appearing for the examination at Government Boys High School, Karamana, on Thursday. Sakeena, Soorya, Apoorva, and Niya Kukku were the others.Across the State, 26 transgender persons were set to appear for the examination though the number of those who had registered for the Samanwaya continuing education course for transgenders was more.
From February
Though registration was held last year, classes began in February. Every second Saturday and all Sundays, they would head to Karthika Thirunal Government Vocational and Higher Secondary School, Manacaud, for classes. Though they were to attend classes exclusively arranged for transgenders, often the attendance was low, and they sat with other equivalency course learners for their lessons.
Asma who felt completely at ease with other learners and accompanied them on a study tour, now feels it is better they attend classes with regular learners. “This has motivated me to study further.”
Shyama, Transgender Cell Project Officer, who was the only member of the transgender community to take classes for transgenders, said personal and professional reasons prevented many transgenders who had registered for the course from sitting for examination.
The course certificates, she said, would go a long way in securing jobs for transgenders.
Shyama said the success of the project had led a number of people from community-based organisations across the State to inquire about registering for next batches of the equivalency courses.
The Class 10 equivalency examinations, for which 17,242 learners are appearing, will conclude on November 28.