Now, Kerala Literacy Mission embarked on a mass people’s campaign for ‘Constitution Literacy’ across the state to create basic awareness about the Indian Constitution among the general public. The Mission is envisaged to make over 50 lakh people part of the two-month-long initiative with the participation of Kerala Legislative Assembly. The basic principles of the Constitution regarding fundamental rights, secularism, faith, gender equality and freedom of individuals will be the main focus of the programme, which formally launched on November 26, 2018. Speaker P.Sreeramkrishnan formally inaugurated the campaign at the VJT hall.Education Minister C.Raveendranath presided over the function. KSLMA director Dr.P.S.Sreekala, Dr.N.K.Jayakumar,former Vice Chancellor of National University of Advanced Legal thoughts, Cheriayan Philip, Co-Ordinator Nava Keralam Mission, V.K.Babu Prakash, Secretary, Legislative Assembly spoke. The Campaign will last till January 26,2019.
A 20-page handbook, compiled with the support of experts for the unique endeavour.A state-level resource panel been set up and expert training imparted for resource persons to take classes. Students of various continuing education courses under the Mission be made part of the initiative. As part of the the programme, on stitution literacy gatherings would be organised in all wards in the state
Over 50 lakh people are expected to be part of the awareness classes in various levels. Besides them, one lakh resource persons will also take part in the initiative. Mission is coming up with such an initiative at a time when superstition and ritualistic practices are gaining importance in society despite the high literacy rate in the state. The main objective of this programme is to bring awareness about the constitution in all strata of the society through this mass programme.