Malayalam, the mother tongue of Keralites, is generally considered a hard language to learn, with many tongue twisters.
But this was not a hindrance for mudad Revathi, a migrant labourer hailing from Odisha, to master this classical language in a short span of time and score the highest mark in a literacy examination here.
An employee of a garment making unit at the IT hub Technopark here, Revathi scored 100 per cent marks in the examination under ‘Changathi’, a special project conducted by the state-run Kerala State Literacy Mission Authority.
The 100 marks-exam was activity oriented, giving a thrust on reading, writing and arithmetical skills.
Revathi had been learning Malayalam for some time under the state-wide Changathi programme, an initiative of the Mission to impart Malayalam and basic education among migrant labourers who arrived in Kerala seeking green pastures.
She along with several other migrant workers from different states, recently wrote the exam, the results of which was announced Monday.
” I tried to spend at least two hours to learn Malayalam every night after my work”- Revathi said. Besides her, Viki Kumar, a worker from Bihar, also scored 100 per cent marks.