Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala State Literacy Mission has rolled out a free literacy project in association with the city Corporation. Aksharasree, launched as part of the General Education Rejuvenation Mission of the State government, will be piloted in the city before being expanded across the State.
Joining hands with local self-government institutions and public education institutions, the mission intends to strengthen informal education activities through Aksharasree. Under the Rs.4.51-crore project, those who are illiterate will be identified and provided education. Opportunities for further education will also be made available to those who were unable to continue their education.
The mission has rolled out two projects under Aksharashree – one for the general category and another for women – by including it in the annual Plan of the city Corporation for 2017-18.
Organising committees will be set up the ward and Corporation level to ensure that each person becomes literate, those who dropped out can pursue equivalency courses up to the higher secondary level, and the learners become active participants in social literacy projects.
The Mayor will be the chairperson of the Corporation level orgnising committee and councillors chairpersons at the ward level.
The survey to identify the beneficiaries will get udner way on June 24. Literacy and continuing education survey will be conducted in the 2.5 lakh households in the city under the leadership of 5,000 survey volunteers. In each ward, a team of 50 – 30 students; 10 learners; and 10 preraks, mission staff, residents’ association office-bearers, social activists, and so on will be part of the survey team.
Classes will get under way after the survey, Class 4 and 7 equivalency courses will be conducted.
A meeting of councillors to discuss the functioning of the project was inaugurated by Minister for Education C. Ravindranath here on Wednesday. Mayor V.K. Prasanth was present