THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: In a unique attempt, the Kerala State Literacy Mission Authority has decided to enroll nearly a lakh members of women empowerment project ‘Kudumbashree’, who had discontinued school education, to take the 10th and Plus Two equivalency exams from next year onwards. To enhance the scheme, a project called ‘Sama’ was launched with the collaboration of Kudumbashree mission, Lcoal self government department and Generala education department. The literacy mission would arrange classes in 1,000 local bodies across the state with two batches of 50 members each attending the classes.
This initiative would help those who had to stop their schooling due to various reasons to continue their education.
It is probably for the first time in the country, that women in such huge number would be enrolled to study.
There are over 48 lakh kudumbashree members in the state. Many of them lack the 10th equivalent certificate. Kudumbashree has collected the details of all of them and the course fees and the exam fees would be taken care of by the local self bodies.
Kudumbashree members those who were qualified to teach will be given preference for conducting the classes.
Those who have passed the seventh standard from schools and those who have passed the 7th standarad equivalency course could enroll for 10th standard equivalency course.The minimum age limit is 17 years.
The minimum age limit for enrolment to Higher secondary equivalent course is 22. Those who have passed the 10th standard or 10th equivalency course can register for this which starts from October 11.
In a phased manner, all Kudumbashree activists in the state will be eligible for 10th and higher secondary education- KSLMA aims