Now, Kerala State Literacy Mission got its own headquarters building in the city. The new office of literacy mission functioning in a three-storey building near Government High School, Pettah. Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan inaugurated the new building at a function held at 12 noon on October 31. Minister for education C.Raveendranath presided over, mission director Dr.P.S. Sreekala made welcome speech.
The building is environment- friendly and designed such that the trees in the compound could retained. Conference and seminar hall, editorial section, equivalency section, board room, godown to store books are among the facilities provided in the building. Centralized punching system and security cameras are also installed here. The new building will also have a reference library accessible to the staff and instructors. The building is built by Habitat Group.
The foundation stone for the building was laidy by the chief minister in 2018,May 31.
Literacy mission, established in 1998 with an aim to attain 100% literacy in the state and allow continuing education to the people who couldn’t able to study with various reasons.