Minister for Welfare of Scheduled Tribes A.K. Balan has said that the special drive launched in Wayanad by the Kerala State Literacy Mission Authority (KSLMA) to remove illiteracy from the tribal regions will extend up to the higher secondary level to ensure continuous education to tribal neo-literates.
Speaking after inaugurating the second phase of the drive here on Sunday, Mr. Balan said the project was a huge success and it would be expanded to 200 tribal hamlets in the district .
As many as 4,512 people in 282 tribal hamlets under 26 local self-government institutions appeared for the first phase of the examinations and 4,309 cleared the examination.
The South Indian Regional office of the Anthropological Survey of India (AnSI) will open in the district to study and curb sickle cell anaemia, a genetic disease found among tribal people in the district.