KSLMA launched three new Certificate courses, Pacha Malayalam, Acchi Hindi, Good English. The registration process of these courses completed. The four months courses aimed at those who are interested in improving their language skills. In the formal education system, a three- language format already exists. In such a scenario, these courses will equip people to handle the three languages- Malayalam, Hindi and English with ease.
Convenient Classes
The classes are slated to be held on sundays and public holidays. Each class is of three hour duration and a minimum of 20 days of classes are assured for each student. Keeping in mind the latest technological advancements, the literacy mission will appoint special instructors proficient in computer applications.
The Teachers
KSLMA utilise the services of post graduates and retired teachers for the certificate courses. A fixed honorarium be provided to the instructors who impart the course in High schools located in the headquarters of 152 block panchayats.
Registration and Course Fees
The Registration fee is Rs.500 and Course fee Rs.2000.