The Chirakkulam colony in the heart of the city on Thursday witnessed the launch of a novel initiative by the State Literacy Mission Authority with the support of Kerala State Chalachitra Academy – ‘Cinema Kottaka’, aimed to uncover the nuances of world cinema and award-winning movies in the local lingo before laymen.
The event, inaugurated by State Film Development Corporation chairman and filmmaker Lenin Rajendran, kickstarted with the screening of classic films, both in Malayalam and foreign languages, at 100 centres across the state in the coming days. Besides the public screening of films, the project envisages formation of film clubs at the literacy mission’s study centres.
The Literacy Mission’s new venture have an adequate support from Chalachitra Academy’s ‘Touring Talkies’, a film screening campaign being organized ahead of the next edition of the IFFK (International Film Festival Kerala). The screening of films, which cover all the districts, is expected to provide a great opportunity for literacy mission’s students, migrant labourers and other people from marginalized sections including transgender, tribal and coastal communities, to watch world-class movies.
The screenings will be held at Mission’s study centres and at public places, and the selected movies include award-winning Malayalam films like Manhole, Kammattippadam, Ottal and Munroe Thuruthu and world classic movies with Malayalam subtitles.
Lamenting on the neglect meted out to social realities and miseries and sentiments of the larger public in contemporary world of cinema, Lenin Rajendran, in his inaugural address, said the art of cinema was being restricted as a mode of entertainment in multiplex theatres and malls. “Nowadays, unlike in the older days, we see only a few films based on progressive thoughts. Time calls for more such films,”he said.